Author: admin

NBC Reports 50 Workers Fired For Refusing Flu Shot In Spite Of “Ineffective” Data

“An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of no-cure pharmaceuticals” Dr. Richard Ruhling Flu shots are ineffective; boosting the body’s defenses is a key to prevention. “Why not sue the hospital?” asks Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired physician whose 40-year practice of medicine was not inhibited by his getting the flu, with one exception.

Thanksgiving Concern: Can God Bless America? Vote Yes & Get a Gift Ebook to Discover His Rescue Plan

“Righteousness exalts a nation.” A Proverb from Solomon, Israel’s wisest king. Millions are concerned for America, but do not see what may be coming. Our pioneers who celebrated Thanksgiving with native Americans centuries ago gave credit to God of the Bible for this great land and it offers insight for our time. 11-21-17  PRESCOTT AZ.

Now, there’s a better option for publishing your manuscript.

Apollo made all the difference, they exceed my expectations. M O’ Neil Before you shell out a lot of money or print hundreds of copies of your book, you should know about another option that’s available from Apollo Book Printing and Publishing. Apollo isn’t a publisher that prints books—we’re printers who help authors get published.

Recommendations for Drug Treatment of 130/80 (Normal) Blood Pressure Are Not Good

“Let your food be your medicine.” Hippocrates “Let the buyer beware” might be a better slogan than “Ask your doctor.”   “Six facts should caution patients re new ‘guidelines’ for MDs to prescribe their drugs” (Washington Post, 11-13-17) says Richard Ruhling, a retired physician who was board-certified in internal medicine and taught at Loma Linda

Amazing Facts Support the Existence of God, Says Scientist

“It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in so doing you bring everything to the realm of possibility.” Einstein Intelligent Design and Complexity of Life Systems Beg the Impossibility of Random Chance to Make Even a Blade of Grass or a Snowflake Newsweek’s “CAN SCIENCE PROVE GOD DOESN’T EXIST?” (11/3/17) begs an answer that

Hawking Calls for Space Travel to Escape Earth; Daniel’s Prophecy of End-Times Are Half Fulfilled

If we have most of the things that money can buy, we should check to be sure we’re not missing those things that money can’t buy. The signs of the times are ominous, but like the frog in slowly heating water, there is a numbness to what’s coming. Reminiscent of NASA’s Challenger, Stephen Hawking believes earth

Deadly Combo: Caffeine, Violent TV or Video Games & Prescription Drugs, Says MD

“The confused systems of our society are suicidal, but we don’t have to participate..” Dr. Richard Ruhling Mixing gateway drugs like caffeine and alcohol, with TV or video violence and Rx drugs is a prescription for disaster. “Isn’t it time for parents, teachers, and the medical profession to recognize mounting evidence that prescription drugs can

Rx Drugs Make Medical Care the #1 Cause of Illness & Death – It Helps Symptoms but It’s Not Healthcare

“Let your food be your medicine.” Hippocrates Adverse Drug Reactions (properly prescribed and administered) have made medical care the leading cause of illness and death.  “We are overlooking well-documented studies showing that adverse drug reactions are the leading cause of illness and death in the US,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired physician who was