Category: World

Seal Out the Risks: Exploring Prescription Safety Glasses with Foam Gasket

07/17/2023- Middlesex, NJ: When it comes to workplace safety, protecting your eyes is of utmost importance. In hazardous environments, prescription safety glasses play a crucial role in safeguarding your vision. At RX Safety, we understand the need for reliable eye protection, which is why we are excited to introduce the benefits of prescription safety glasses

Thin is In: Discover the Advantages of High Index Glasses

07/17/2023- Middlesex, NJ: Comfort and style go hand in hand when it comes to eyewear. For those with stronger prescriptions, thick lenses can be a concern. Fortunately, high index glasses offer a solution. These innovative lenses are designed to be thinner and lighter while maintaining exceptional visual clarity. At RX Safety, we understand the importance

Portwest Safety Hats: Shielding Your Head from Workplace Hazards

07/17/2023- Middlesex, NJ: When it comes to personal protective equipment (PPE), safeguarding your head is of utmost importance. That’s where Portwest, a trusted brand in the safety industry, comes in. With their commitment to quality and innovation, Portwest offers a range of safety hard hats that provide reliable head protection in hazardous work environments. At

Stay Safe and Comfortable with Portwest Welding Safety Gloves

07/06/2023- Middlesex, NJ: When it comes to personal protective equipment (PPE), ensuring safety without compromising comfort is crucial. This is where Portwest, a renowned brand in the safety industry, comes into the picture. With their commitment to producing high-quality safety gear, Portwest has established itself as a trusted name among professionals worldwide. Their range of

Sunglasses Made Easy: Introducing the New G Wrap Clip On Flip Up Sunglasses

07/06/2023- Middlesex, NJ: Finding the perfect pair of sunglasses can be a hassle, especially if you already wear prescription eyeglasses. That’s where clip on sunglasses for glasses come to the rescue. These innovative accessories offer a convenient and practical solution for sun protection. At RX Safety, we are thrilled to introduce the new G Wrap

Uncompromising Elegance: Meet the New Revo Sunglasses Designed Exclusively for Women

07/06/2023- Middlesex, NJ: Revo sunglasses are an excellent high-tech option for anyone who wants to have that perfect mix of enhanced visuals, comfort, and quality. As RX Safety has recently become an authorized distributor for Revo sunglasses, they can now carry plenty that Revo has to offer. That means everything from Revo prescription glasses to

Enhancing Safety and Security with the New Laser Edge Laser Window Block

07/06/2023- Middlesex, NJ: Technology that we create can be quite harmful to us if we’re not properly protected. That’s why it’s not only just as important to learn how to properly use elements such as lasers but also what the best types of protection against lasers are. That can be even more important because this

Fitovers Sunglasses Are Best Friend in the Summer – Shade the Eyes with Fitovers Eyewear

06/23/2023 – Bangor, PA: If you are going to be doing any outdoor activities such as riding your mountain bike, or basking in the sun by the pool, then Fitover sunglasses will keep your eyes protected. The right pair of Fitover sunglasses will protect your eyes against harmful UV rays that can cause damage to

Clear Vision, Perfect Swing: Discovering the Best Oakley Prescription Glasses for Baseball

19/06/2023- Middlesex, NJ: As the weather continues to warm up, we’ll start to find ourselves outside more, and we want to ensure that we’ve got the correct type of protective eyewear. This is especially the case if we find ourselves ready to enjoy and play America’s favorite pastime, which is, of course, baseball. Oakley baseball

Upgrade Radiation Protection with the Latest Nike Lead Glasses

06/21/2023 – Lutz, Florida: One of the best choices on the market for radiation protection is the Nike Anti-Radiation glasses. The radiation glasses that Nike produces are extremely comfortable, lightweight, and actually quite stylish, looking more like protective sportswear than Nike lead glasses.  With that said, Attenutech is thrilled to announce that there are four